I did my blog on mental preparation secrets of top athletes, entertainers & surgeons, It was a Harvard podcast on Dan Mcgain's book about how mental preparation can be used just like how athletes do before the big game. He talks about that huge pitch that you may have to pitch almost like playing in that big game; you have to be mentally prepared and be on your best to make sure everything is going perfect. you have to think about your emotions and boost your confidence and collaborate your energy level to the right degree so you're on the right level you need to be and not getting too high or too low. He talked about thinking about your best performance and to think about when you were at your best and to use those same things that made you so successful in that time to make you do the same for that next big moment.

            There was a surgeon he mentioned that went to college for wrestling and got his doctors degree and he talked about how the surgeon used the same warm-up as he did for wresting as he would before he performed a surgery. Then he went on to talk about how Yelp’s GM would talk to over six-hundred sales people about how good they were. She would talk about who’s performing the best and then go on to say that everyone else is here for a reason; and wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe in you. The ability to feel motivated and an ability to feel connected at work is important. If the boss is ethical and motivates employees, it gives a positive sense in the workplace for everyone to perform at their peak.

              From reading our book it talks about ethics and motivation a lot as it’s crucial in the workplace, employees need some sense of loyalty from the managers to feel some sort of passion to want to work in the workplace and not because they need too. It also talks about teamwork and communication in the workplace on how it plays into the workplace and how people act between employees. Wanting to become a sole proprietor myself the book and in class we talked about how managing a business and what it takes to do so. It takes a lot of hard work and will power to continue even during the worst of times in your career. You have to come up with a plan and stand by that plan; but most importantly believe in that plan and fight for it. Nothing in life is easy but if you can take each day as if you’re preparing for the biggest game of your career you can achieve anything.

              For future assignments on my individual assignments I have them put into my calendar on when they’re due. I also have a reminder three days before they’re due to make sure it’s finished. This will give me three days to look over everything and proof read it. Make sure everything is completed to completeness and no assignment have any problems in it.


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